Memory Remembrances

Struck Inside A Forgotten Childhood Memory Glassy Dome And Why..?

The recluse to childhood memories, once forgotten shield breaks the conscious glass and the old irrational, trial and error logic floods in, writing as a niche in memory, forgotten and locked with a reason for the memory to be resurrected, in other words to be sucked into the dome with no escape,

There's a certain nostalgia that comes with revisiting childhood memories, every writer, whether as a social legend , or a criminal, would relate, It's a bittersweet feeling that transports you to a time when things were simpler, and your biggest worry was finishing your homework on time, finishing what was to be done and wander freely, But what happens when you stumble upon a memory that you've forgotten for years? It's like a dam breaking, and all the emotions and experiences flood in, overwhelming you with their intensity. The physical pain glued upon the enclosed reasons jailed on purpose, surrounded by other superficial white lies been baked in heated kilns, bearing a brownish fermented swell, like within a glassy dome seen within and outward yet can't be reached from outside or can't be released from inside, once you enter, you'll doomed within the dome, it felt,

This niche in memory remembrance is a peculiar one. It's not like reminiscing about a favorite vacation or a happy moment with a loved one. It's something deeper, something that you've suppressed or pushed away for so long that you almost forgot it existed. Maybe it's a traumatic event that you never fully processed or a moment of shame that you buried deep inside. Whatever it is, it's a memory that you didn't want to remember, and it's now come back to haunt you with its contents and be within its reason bounded justified dome,

The first thing you feel is confusion. You're not sure if what you remember is real or if you've fabricated it in your mind. You start to doubt yourself and question the validity of your recollection. But then, as you dig deeper, the details start to become clearer, and you realize that it's all too real.

The next emotion that hits you is a sense of loss. You mourn for the child that you once were, who experienced this memory and had purposefully hidden the relevant reason , knowing how to process it, at that time and place, You had deliberately shielded them from the pain and confusion . But you have had always felt you can't, and always dug and wanted the glassy dome to break, that's a hard firecracker to blow up,

As the memory becomes more vivid, you start to experience the same emotions that you felt when it happened. It's like you're reliving the moment, and your rational mind shuts down, replaced by an irrational, trial and error logic that doesn't make sense in the present. You might feel angry, sad, or ashamed, and those feelings are just as intense as they were when you were a child.

But as you sit with those emotions and let them wash over you, something shifts. You start to understand the memory from a different perspective, the hidden reasoned island you could built, you're first memory picture you could lock, and would open only if the incident recurred, though from inside rather than outside, compassionate and forgiveness were too big to comprehend, You realize that the child that you were did have the tools or resources to deal with what happened, and that's okay. You also start to see how that memory has shaped you into the person that you are today, and you find a new appreciation for your resilience and strength.

The niche in memory remembrance is not an easy one to navigate, but it's an important one. Forging in glassy foundry , models were made from yester years, from time in immemorial, every window was remodelled as french doors, why the french had soften the doors as windows is another memory niche, It's a reminder that we're all human and that we all have experiences that we've buried deep inside. It's an opportunity to heal and grow, to process those emotions that we've been avoiding for so long. And most importantly, it's a chance to reconnect with the lonely child that we once were, to offer them the love and support that they needed but didn't receive. For every action there would have been some strange incident that caused the reaction.

So, if you find yourself facing a forgotten memory, don't shy away from it. Embrace it, sit with it, and let it teach you. You might be surprised by what you discover about yourself and your past. And who knows, maybe that memory will become a source of strength and inspiration for the future, or the vice versa loss. It's your forgotten memory that plays an ace when it wishes as you have locked away with a key only you can enter but never leave.

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